- Phone Numbers to Place Insurance Claims -

Homeowners Insurance:

AAA - 800.672.5246

AIG Private Client Group - 888.760.9195

Allstate - 800.54.STORM

Appalachian - 888.376.9633

ARI - 866.635.9959

ASI Lloyds - 866.274.5677

Atlas General - 866.522.0361

Burns & Wilcox - 713.268.7700

Chubb Lloyds - 908.903.2525

Citizens - 888.568.6455

Colonial Lloyds - 888.227.5119

Columbia Lloyds - 800.275.6768

Delta General - 800.759.8656

Encompass - 800.588.7400

Fidelity - 800.725.9472

Foremost - 800.527.3907

GeoVera - 800.319.6635

HOAIC - 866.407.9896 ext. 3

Homeguard - 800.338.2680

Hull & Company - 800.631.6478

Imperial Fire - 888.522.8242

Kemper - 800.321.5344

Lexington - 800.931.9546

Lincoln General - 877.717.5442

Lloyds of London - 866.367.3424

Met-Life - 800.854.6011

Myron Steves - 713.351.8342

National Lloyds - 817.632.2612

Pacific Specialty - 800.962.1172

Safeco - 800.332.3226

South & Western - 800.492.5351

South Texas General - 800.873.6500

Southland Lloyds - 214.340.9393

Stonington - 866.999.0898

TAPCO - 336.538.0094

Texas All Risk - 800.627.0303

Texas Fair Plan - 800.880.0474

Texas United - 866.654.9500

The Hartford - 800.243.5860

Travelers - 800.252.4633

TWFG / LGIC - 877.717.5442

TWIA - 512.899.4900

Universal Insurance - 866.999.0898

US Lloyds  - 800.929.2424

USF&G - 800.631.6478

Voyager - 800.342.4444

Wellington - 800.880.0474

Flood Insurance:

Fidelity - 800.725.9472

Travelers - 800.252.4633

Bankers - 877.459.6075

Hartford - 800.243.5860

AIG Private Client - 888.760.9195

ASI - 866.274.5677

National Lloyds - 817.632.2612

Universal - 866.999.0898

South & Western - 800.492.5351

Pacific Specialty - 800.962.1172

Commercial Insurance:

ACE - 800.433.0385

AIG - 877.399.6442

Amerisafe - 800.699.6240

Chubb Lloyds - 800.252.4670

CNA - 877.262.2727

First Comp - 888.500.3344

GMAC - 800.468.3466

Hanover - 800.628.0250

Infinity - 800.334.1661

Mercury - 800.503.3724

One Beacon - 877.248.3455

Philadelphia - 877.438.7459

Progressive - 800.PROGRESSIVE

Safeco - 800.332.3226

The Hartford - 800.327.3636

Travelers - 800.252.4633

Union Standard - 800.444.0049

Unitrin Specialty - 800.456.1919

Utica - 800.216.1420

Victoria - 800.926.3168

Zurich - 800.987.3373